Tag: Ed & Outreach
Volunteer: ANEC Arbor Day Celebration
Details coming soon! Mark your calendars to volunteer at this excellent event.
ESMNs Training to be Flora of Virginia Ambassadors
The Flora of Virginia (FOV) and the Flora App, developed based on research by the Virginia Division of Natural Heritage and the Virginia Botanical Associates, are the definitive botanical catalogs […]
ESMN Education and Outreach Committee Supports Earth and Arbor Day Events
The Eastern Shore Master Naturalist’s Education and Outreach Team has been out and about during the month of April. They set up tables at the Exmore: Return to Our Roots festival and the ANEC’s […]
🧤 Volunteer: TNC ESVA Juneteenth Celebration Event Assistance
ESVA Juneteenth Celebration Event Assistance | Exmore Town Park | email Jen for details. Help staff TNC’s informational booth 10 a.m.—1 p.m. or 1—4 p.m. Category 13: Assist with educational […]
Volunteer: Eastern Shore Land Trust Student Field Trips
The Eastern Shore Land Trust is seeking volunteers to assist with the following student field trips (Category 15: Eastern Shore Land Trust Children’s Field Trips): May 7th – Metompkin Elementary […]
Volunteer: ANEC Arbor Day Celebration
ESMN/DCR have two tables each with two shifts 9am -12pm and 12pm – 3pm. ESMN Ed & Outreach (Category 15: ESMN OutreachTable/Tours Eastern Shore Events) Plant Eastern Shore Natives campaign […]
Volunteer: Invest in Our Planet Earth Day Celebration at the Exmore Town Park
MANY VOLUNTEERS NEEDED At the Invest in Our Planet Earth Day Celebration at the Exmore Town Park SATURDAY April 20th, there are numerous volunteer opportunities: ESMN/DCR have three tables each […]