Thursday, July 11 from 8:45 – 11:45 a.m.
Butterfly Activity (and more) Field Trip Assistance/Youth Engagement
Brownsville Preserve (Nassawadox, VA)
Contact Margaret to sign-up: or (757) 414-9227.
The VCR Outreach & Education Team is seeking 2-3 volunteers to assist with the Northampton County Public Schools Migrant Youth Program’s visit to Brownsville Preserve on Thursday, July 11th, 9:00-11:30 am. Children will range in age from pre-K to high school. Activities will include butterfly/insect netting, habitat exploration, and arts & crafts and will be led by TNC staff with volunteer assistance. NCPS staff will also be on hand, and bilingual skills are not required (students speak English, Spanish, and/or Haitian Creole). Training will be provided, and volunteers must agree to TNC’s Youth Safety policies.To volunteer, please contact, VCR Outreach & Education Coordinator, Margaret Van Clief at or (757) 414-9227.